
Modern Slavery Statement

Introduction from Stephen McCall, CEO

At edyn, we are determined to combat slavery and human trafficking to ensure that every single person’s human rights are upheld, whether they are people who work for us, on behalf of edyn or stay in our properties. We expect the same commitment from our guests, customers, colleagues, partners and suppliers.

Our business and organisation's structure

We are a leading hospitality company offering serviced apartment and aparthotel accommodation in 30 locations across the UK and Europe.  We have 443 employees in the UK and 114 in Europe (in the Netherlands, Republic of Ireland, Germany,  France and Switzerland).

Our business is organised into two key areas:

  • Support Centre Functions: Finance, Global Supply Chain, People and Culture, IT, Marketing, Rates and Revenue, Reservations, Sales and Business Development
  • Operations: Our trading properties are primarily UK based, with two properties in each of the Netherlands, Republic of Ireland and Germany. Further properties are under development in several other European countries.

We also provide Management Services for property owners in selected UK locations including London.

Our supply chains

Our supply chains include:

  1.  Our Global Property Partners who operate in all key markets across more than 50 countries.
  2.  Our UK and European Suppliers. Examples include:
    • Agency workers
    • Laundry Services
    • Housekeeping Service
    • Food and Beverage
    • Waste removal services
    • Buildings and maintenance etc
    • Design and Construction

Due diligence processes for slavery and human trafficking

As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk we ensure all edyn employees support the following 4 pillars:

  1. Values: Endorsing and promoting our values: The Courage to Question, Evolve and Be Human.
  2. Monitoring: Conditions for workers on our premises.
  3. Improvement: Supporting our suppliers to improve compliance where opportunities are identified.
  4. Transparency: Being open and honest with our suppliers and each other.

In accordance with these 4 pillars we have in place systems to:

  •  Identify and assess potential risk areas in our supply chains.
  • Mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chains.
  • Encourage and facilitate the reporting of concerns related to slavery and human trafficking.
  • Protect whistle blowers.

Supplier adherance to our values

We have zero tolerance for slavery and human trafficking. To ensure all those in our supply chain and contractors comply with this value, we have in place a supply chain compliance programme. This consists of:

  • Asking our new Global Partners to sign a Partner Agreement, confirming their compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Legislation.
  • Ensuring key suppliers are aware of our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking stance, including referring them to our Modern Slavery Statement and asking that they adhere to our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking supplier policy.
  • Carrying out a risk assessment of our key suppliers and taking actions where risks are identified.

Training and communication

To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we provide mandatory training to all our new starters and an annual refresher for existing staff.  

We also ensure this Modern Slavery Statement is communicated Company-wide through Line Management. We have an appointed Modern Slavery Compliance Officer who is available to field all queries and reported breaches (both internally and externally).

Our effectiveness in combating slavery and human trafficking this period

We are committed to monitor both internal compliance and the compliance of our suppliers in relation to all indicators of Modern Slavery and Forced Labour as described by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Where any concerns are raised these are reported to our Modern Slavery Compliance Officer and remedial plans are put in place. 

Within the period, we have continued to enhance our supplier risk assessment to better identify suppliers at risk of modern slavery. We have also introduced an annual refresher of Modern Slavery training for existing staff. 

We have not found any indicators of forced labour within our organisation or supply chain.  
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2022.  

- Stephen McCall, CEO
Edyn Group

Date: 28/06/23

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